Earn points by submitting brags about your loyal companion and their accomplishments. To earn points, you must select at least one payment option of $2.00, $5.00, or $10.00.
Each dollar paid earns (1) point.
If you have multiple dogs, only one pup named will earn the point(s) in a brag. Each "Brag" named counts as the point earning pup.
Brag as often as you would like to keep your pup on top of the "Tail Wags & Puppy Brags" page. Invite your friends and family to join in on the fun for your pup. We welcome all Brags!
Each dollar paid earns (1) point.
If you have multiple dogs, only one pup named will earn the point(s) in a brag. Each "Brag" named counts as the point earning pup.
Brag as often as you would like to keep your pup on top of the "Tail Wags & Puppy Brags" page. Invite your friends and family to join in on the fun for your pup. We welcome all Brags!
Winner to be announced in December of 2024.
2024 - My pup is better than your pup contest
The Pup with the highest Brag points earned this year during our event wins!
In the event of a tie, Brags for the individual pups will be reviewed based on:
- Awards earned.
- Creativity of each Brag.
- Overall Loyal Companion devotion.
A pup basket donated from a club member will be appropriate for the winner size and age!